Friday, March 02, 2007

More of my videos... this time on Google Video

I have posted another video... this time it's the BIG one!

'Investigating Geography' was my final project as part of the Digital Video Post Production course I did in 2005. It's an information video designed to introduce highschool students to the subject of... geography. The video was distributed by Canterbury University to New Zealand highschools in 2006. I have not yet been stopped in the street for an autograph.

But don't let the subject matter turn you off watching. I can say with no ego that it is my finest work... of 2005. It's about 15mins long, so sit back, let it buffer, grab a bag of M&Ms and a bourbon and coke and enjoy!

Download this video for Windows/Mac/iPod/PSP by clicking HERE.


p.s. If you are looking for my videos on YouTube, then search for either 'lordbiggus' or 'lordbiggusDIR'. 'Investigating Geography' is hosted with Google Video.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Great video Rich, still makes me laugh heaps, ha ha ha!

Nice upgrade on your blog by the way!

Hvae updated the blog so go check it out sum time!