Monday, February 19, 2007

Sophie turns 9 months

Sophie enjoying a bubble bath.

Returning from a walk up Mt Kaukau.

Sophie asleep on a warm summers day.

Twit and Leslie help Sophie explore a touch-book Denali made.

Sophie has spent as much time out as she did in! She has changed since Christmas and has now added the following abilities to her skills repertoir:

Talking: She can say Mummy, Mum, Dad, Dadda, Bubba, Look, and Bye Bye. She is starting to use her tongue more too and you can have a mock conversation with her, taking turns at talking. She'll quite happily sit there and just blab away to you.

Food: She is eating a wide range of solids now. Among others, she especially enjoys brocolli, banana, yoghurt, strawberries... any kind of berries, avocado, peaches, nectarines, lamb, pork and she loves peas!

Playtime: She loves music and wiggles away happily when it's on. She throws her arms up in the air and claps a lot too. She's figured out the whole peekaboo scenario and will now play it with you by covering her own eyes and taking them away. It's real cute when she doesn't quite cover her eyes and instead just has two hands on her head as if her eyes WERE covered. She looks at you the whole time and expects you to act suprised when she takes her hands away! Very funny to watch. She loves looking at and petting animals too. Over the next few weeks we are looking after a friend's cat, so Sophie will go bezzerk over that!

Recognition: It's great arriving home to a little baby who gives you big smiles when they spot you entering the house. She is so easy to get a smile out of.

Take a look at this video of Sophie giggling with Denali...

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