Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Lord Weekly Movie Guide

Here at Lord Weekly we have always made it our mission to enrich the lives of our readers.

Today's post is no exception.

I have invited a select few to discard the robes of their mundane and fruitless lives and join the literary elite here at Lord Weekly to provide YOU with the most in-depth, straight-forward, critical analysis of today's and yesterday's films. These writers will endeavour to carefully and effortlessly guide you through cinema's finest and poorest productions. In fact, their reviews will be so good, that we gurantee you will no longer spend wasted hours walking aimlessly up and down video store isles or staring vacantly at cinema session times.

All this will end. You WILL become better informed.

These reviews could become your definitive guide to the movies and already rival the Internet Movie Database in both quantity and quality. We will feature these reviews as regularly as our critics watch films. You will find them at the bottom of almost every future post on this blog.

Say "Hello" to our critics:

N E I L:

Neil Mayo.
23 years old.
One of the biggest comic book movie fans this side of Metropolis.

Top 5 films from last 5 years or so in no particular order are: Batman Begins, Sin City, Memento, Superman Returns, Gladiator

I S A A C:

Hi I'm Isaac. I am currently in 6th form at school and make short films, doco's and TV shows with my friends in a company. I like Spongebob Squarepants and deep fried mars bars.

Top five movies from last 5 years: Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were Rabbit, Pirates of The Caribbean, The Castle, Donnie Darko and Brick (These may change as my memory recombobulates).

N A O M I:

I work in film and media. I love pretty much every genre you can think of and my favourite film ever is a tie between the Godfather, the Usual Suspects and Casablanca. I am a huge old school Noir fan, love gangster films and pretty much anything made in the 1970's.

Top five movies from last 5 years: (In no particular order) The Pianist, LOTR: The Return of the King, Finding Neverland, Thank you for Smoking and Sin City.

K I R K:

I am the director of a small video and film production company in Christchurch, Spooce Media. I am also a lover of films, some of my favorites include films from such directors as Wes Anderson, Francis Ford Coppola, Gus Van Sant, George Lucas, Speilberg. Always a sucker for a classic action adventure film but can appreciate the subtlety of a good foreign art house flick too.

"As long as I meet interesting characters and I'm wisked away to another world for 2 hours, I'm happy."

P I P P A:

Age: 24

Occupation: graphic designer
Lives: brisbane (come and visit)
Hobbies: living where it's warm so i don't need to wear my eskimo jacket
Number of stamps in my passport: 8
Favourite juice: pineapple and mint
Favourite food: salmon and vegetables
Favourite thing to do: surprise someone

Top 5 films I have seen over the last 5 years: in no ranking order... Bridget Jones' Diary, Love Actually, Pretty Woman, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and 6th - Sin City, I loved the artwork, not so much the story.

Yes, I like deep, thought provoking movies.

R I C H A R D:

Trapped by my own genuine movie addiction, I continuously invent ways to curb responsibility and sit in a dark room watching moving images. I like it when cinemas play their movies loud and I hate it when people talk during the movie. It makes me want to invent a Tangy Fruit gun or something. I work as an editor for a Wellington production company, who have come to think of me as "a slightly odd ginga, who thinks of himself as a world class editor, but really isn't." I am though.

I like horrors, thrillers, crime dramas, action adventures, and science fiction movies the most.

Top 5 - 7 films over the last 5 years: LOTR: Return of the King, Napoleon Dynamite, Sin City, Hannibal, Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2.

This is the rating system:

5/5... Epic: A triumphant use of celluloid. A MUST SEE!
4/5... Fantastic: A bloody good film with only a few weaknesses.
3/5... Neat-O: Passes the time satisfyingly but then again so does Seseme St.
2/5... Meh: Better than a kick in the pants.
1/5... Tragic: Give me that kick in the pants.

So watch out for our reviews in upcoming blog posts.


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