Monday, June 04, 2007

'Rope Burn'... NOT in the finals. Bugger

It looks like our 48 Hours journey is over. 'Rope Burn' didn't make the finals. Looks like we'll have to try again next year.



Anonymous said...

yeah thats tough but you all achieved hugely anyway- incredible team effort- and you handed it in- roll on next year.

Neil said...

Thats just so disappointing, our aim was just to make it to the finals. At least we picked up the Audience Award. Bugger tho.

Richard said...

My balls are so small and shriveled right now.

The Retail Manager said...

You unfortunately saved the face of the judges, after all, how else can they offer guidance and mentor those who do not need it, sucks when you get it all right, and those who control your destiny are belittled and made to be humble by your obviously "professional" and "no competition available" product, I loved it.

I have pneumonia, made me laugh, thats bad, could kill me.

The Retail Manager.

Richard said...

Who are you Retail Manager? Please reveal your true identity.

Richard said...

The Wellington Finals are tonight. We are going to interrupt any film that wasn't as good as ours, by blowing loud rasberries and yelling "What do you call that? - RUBBISH IS WHAT YOU CALL THAT!!!"

videotek said...

I feel for you rich. I know your pain all to well.

The Retail Manager said...

Just an interested reader, Peace.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh... a friend of Neils I see.