Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Glitz, The Glamour, The Oscars

Oscar nominations are out!
Check 'em out online HERE.

Also, I have posted that kids short film I made on Youtube. If you were unable to view it on this blog, then check it out HERE. Please feel free to make comments (however brutal or otherwise) and rate the film too. My thanks to whoever it was that went and found it before I told anyone and gave it a 5 star rating!

I haven't seen everything nominated, so I am not the best judge... but I hope that the following people and films win their Osacar nominations.

Best Actor: Forrest Whitaker for 'The Last King of Scotland'
Best Actress: Helen Mirren for 'The Queen' (althought Judi Dench is supposed to be great in 'Notes on a Scandal')
Best Animated Feature: Happy Feet (what? Penguins ARE funny!)
Art Direction: Pan's Labyrinth
Directing: Martin Scorsese for 'The Departed' (although 'United 93', directed by Paul Greengrass was excellent too)
Editing: as above

Best Picture: The Departed

Best Visual Effects: Superman Returns
Adapted Screenplay: The Departed
Original Screenplay: Pan's Labyrinth or Little Miss Sunshine

What are your picks? Add them to the comments for this post.



Anonymous said...

actor - peter o-toole (forrest ain't that good mate)
actress - kate winslet (Helen will win though)
director - scorsese (his best yet!)
best picture - the departed
vfx- pirates (superman was boring)

-angela hume, brooklyn NY

i love the top10 lists!!

Richard said...

Yeh, The Departed was fantastic. It was at least his best in recent years. Although I thought the Aviator was awesome too.

VFX - I didn't think superman was boring at all. I thought it had more groundbreaking fx than Pirates.

Neil said...

I completely agree with Richard on Superman the effects were amazing and although a long movie not boring. I would like to add that Children of Men should get Best Cinematography. Defintely The Departed for Best Picture! So are we having like an Oscar party or what?

Richard said...

I think an Oscar party is a great idea. Let's get planning.