Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sophie at 6 months

Our daughter recently turned six months old, which means she is half way to being one. Hopefully that means she is 20 and a half years away from being independant... but with teenagers the way they are these days, who knows. Actually, the concept of 'independance' is pretty much an impossibility for human beings anyway. Just think about it. Juuuusst think about it.

Sophie. Six months old. Still little. Still cute (in our opinion - keep it to yourself if you think otherwise. We are very sensitive).

Still just a baby.

It seems as if she has developed so quickly over the last two months. She now rolls over (from back to front), can stay sitting, is starting to eat solids, waves hello and goodbye to people (and whenever else she feels like it) and she wiggles lots when we put music on.

The culinary critic.

She almost has five teeth now too. I have received several unprovoked attacks to my arms, face, neck and fingers. Such attacks leave me physically and emotionally scarred... possibly for life. Denali gets repeatedly bitten in the same place and I think we all know where that is! If you want to know what this type of pain feels like, ask a close friend (not a stranger) to bite you as hard as they can on your nipples.

This is Sophie's response to these accusations: 6- Zzik,brmn m n m m ,v xc,hhmnm,z,mz.l8.., w;l//ZZZZZZZZZZZ,..,.,,.zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxklllllm,klkb;lcv;m n redf.

I have no idea what that means.

We took her swimming for the first time yesterday.

Sophie models the swim suit Aunty Rose gave to her.

She loves her bathtime, so it was no suprise that she enjoyed the pool. Mike, you will be proud. In fact, Denali and I want you to hurry up and clean Mum and Dad's pool before they get home so you can take Sophie for swims over Christmas. We don't want our daughter swimming amongst tadpoles and green sludge. You might like to think about installing some solar panels too.

"I love swimming!"

Recently Sophie was asked to join NASA's 'Babies in Space' experimental training program. Usually NASA uses chimps, but animal rights activists put an end to that. She sent us this photo from her first space walk exercise.

"Was I supposed go toilet before I got into this suit?"

Denali is excitedly looking forward to spending most of the summer in Christchurch. She will be there from December 3rd - January 21st. I will be there from Christmas Eve - January 6th (plus I have two weddings to attend in Chch too. One on Dec 9th and the other on Jan 20th).

BLOG UPDATE: I will do one final Christmas blog post before leaving for Christchurch, plus one more Internet Space Captain competition. I will send you an e-mail to let you know when the final competition will be run. It will be an epic competition. One that will test your internet skills to the limit! I will have special Christmas prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places too.



Anonymous said...

gorgeous photos- thanks guys- love the space suit- a treat for us Sophie-starved people. Looking forward to Christmas with you all.

Richard said...

We are looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

sophie is beautiful, rich. :)

check out my myspace- mum and dad got married in las vegas by an elvis impersonator, a few days ago. i have photos. don't ask, just take it aaaaaallllllll iiinnnnnn.

merry xmas bruv.

god bless

josh (