Sunday, October 22, 2006

Official Lord Boys Update

Some of you (Muboto - Kenya, Eric - Ireland, Josiah - Israel, Michi - Japan) have written e-mails to me wanting to know more about my brothers.

Well here is an official Lord Boys update...

Over the last month not much has happened apart from when Stephen came over for about 4-5 weeks. While he was over here the main things we did was just shopping and playing on the Playstation! This was pretty sweet. We got his PS2 chipped so we could buy and play games from here... bloody cheap! So that was coolness as well. It has been snowing a little bit, so hopefully once a big snowfall arrives we will be able to head on up the hills with our beast of a sled and slide down (until I break the sled again). School has been boring like usual… although it was fun being able to perform the Haka in front of everyone (a bit of a change). Oh and I bought Final Fantasy 7 & 8 for computer and have been playing FF8 for a bit. Yeah that's about all that's happened over the past month.

This year I've been pretty busy with rowing and trying to fit in time to do it, I'm usually up every 2nd morning at 5am to row before school (this is surf rowing not flat water rowing) at nationals my crew won gold in the short course race and silver in long course, this year we are going really hard in trying to win both golds, I've been rowing all through winter even when it gets to -5 in the morning when i wake up!! There is only 3 weeks left of school now so I'm almost free to move into the real world, i have a part time job working at Reading Cinemas but I'd like to quit and get a sales job somewhere. Also today I bought a new car!! It's a Toyota Levin. You can see it in the pictures.

Hi this is Phil just writing a few things of what I've been up 2 these days, which pretty much involves a whoollllllllllllle lot a of Polytech work & part-time work on Sundays, the pictures show the latest work I've done 4 poly.

This brochure was designed for my graphics class all I had was 6 blocks of text that had 2 be included and from a previous project had to include the logo I designed for my chosen subject "Christchurch Tramway" and yea I think i did alright :-) Oh yea and I somehow managed to hook up with one of my classmates ;-)

Her name is Brooke and she's a hardout wannabe web-designer.

And yea, I love her 2 bits :-P

I'm 23 single and looking for and nice girl who is sporty and loves adventure plus likes the ocean. You can call me on 383 0566 (email: / Cell: 0211837978). How can you resist a piece of THIS action!

Na ummm... I'm leaving Powell Fenwick consultants after 5 years of being there and taking up the new position of Surf Sport Development Manager for Canterbury Surf Life Saving. Today I will be starting a 24hr adventure race at 8am and probably won't finish until Sunday morning sometime. Also the surf life saving scene is starting for the summer and I will be into training and competing.

'Rescue of the Year' photo - from The Press

My new car

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