Sunday, September 03, 2006

My 1st Father's Day

Me and Soph hangin out on Father's Day.

It has certainly been a while since our last post.

I have been really busy at work over the last few weeks. Also, over the last four weeks I have been busy at church too, making a kids film for their month of electives. During the month the kids choose one elective to participate in. They include dance, puppetry, construction, film and others. So over the last four sundays we have filmed different parts of our story. We finished this morning, and I now have 5 days to put the film together. I'll put the finished version on the blog once it's done.

Sophie now has 2 teeth through and absolutely loves blowing rasberries. She even thinks her farts are funny! I have never been more proud.

She is not quite sure what to do in her jolly jumper yet, but we think it won't be long until she is bouncing up and down like a mad thing. He hair is getting a wee bit more gingery... but I reckon it all depends on the angle you're looking at it. She has worked out that her hands are her own, and she purposefully reaches for and grabs things now and puts them in her mouth. She will also run her hands over your face too and pull your hair.

She squeals, giggles and flat out laughs too, which is a really beautiful sound. I heard her full laugh today as Denali rubbed her tummy and made funny noises for her. She loved it and laughed and laughed.

In other news, we have found a new place to live! We move into it on Sept 9. It's a newish townhouse in the sunny part of Johnsonville. We'll put photos of it up soon.

Denali will be in Chch for a week from Monday Sept 11, returning on Sat 16th.

As you may have guessed, I did not receive ANY submissions for the inaugural BIGGUS FILM COMPETITION. I suppose my blog does not have the cult status I thought it did. Even I did not get around to making a film.

I have decided, after some complaints from people who only care about Sophie and not all the other "crap" I put on here, that I will cease all future Top 10s and Internet Space Captain competitions, and begin another blog for those who are interested in such "nonsensical" activities. So if you like talking about "rubbish", movies and other such things, then e-mail me and I will let you know the website address.



Anonymous said...

What wonderful photos of Sophie- we hang out round the computer for glimpses of her and news of you! Thats great you had your first fathers day with a cooked breakfast- did she write you a card or just blow raspberries?
So lovely that you can hear her laugh now- very heart warming.
Good luck with your shift- I see Denali you are very wise to ecape the unpacking and go to Ch-ch to give Colin and Betty cuddle time with Sophie- and I'm sure uncle Phil and Uncle Mike will love seeing her again. Mike could give her a swim lesson or 2.
Rose and Laura are coming up to Wellington this weekend did you know?
Steve will be in UB this Saturday night.
Sophie looks so happy and cared for- hope you aren't too tired.
Love Helen/Mum/Granna

Phil Lord said...

noone submitted a film because it'll take to much work, we want challenges that aren't too complex to complete and don't envolve getting out of our seats, i'm sure others will agree otherwise keep the space captain thing coming damit!

Richard said...

I'm changing my audience

Phil Lord said...

eh just how u gonna do that?

Richard said...

Hmm, not abandoning... just moving the Top 10 lists and other random stuff to another blog. This blog will still be dedicated to Sophie and our wee family though.