Saturday, August 19, 2006

The end is nigh

We have so far had 1 out of the 5 videos for Tourism NZ approved. The rest are due by close of Monday.



Neil said...

OMG Richard - Good Luck!

Richard said...

I will soon put some of the videos I have done on the web for your viewing displeasure.

Richard said...

It's 11:10pm. We were told we had until Thursday to audio mix all the videos for the conference. I was aiming to get all my edits finished by today.

At 5pm this evening we were told that ALL the videos were due by 9am Tuesday (tomorrow), because the conference is starts at 1pm Tuesday!

How could something like that get so screwed up!?

Anyway. My edits are finished. I have just shipped the last video about the UK into Protools for mixing.

I have until the morning to re-dig all the videos and make DVDs of them.

At least I have tomorrow off.

Richard said...

All 5 videos were approved by 8:30pm last night. I had the re-diging and DVDs finished by 5:30am.

Work sent Denali a lovely bunch of flowers to thank her for being so understanding.

I had a pie.

Richard said...

That was a joke.

Richard said...

I just want to eat M&Ms