TOP 10 Ways to Make a Scary Film SCARIER!
(Any combination will do - pick and choose to enhance your pant-crapping movie experience!)
10. Turn off all your lights
9. Open every curtain in the house (it's scarier having to go round and close them all after the movie, plus you may notice strange movement outside during the film)
8. Open every window in your house (same reason as above)
7. Turn the sound up LOUD (You'll crap your pants when the neighbour knocks on your door mid-movie to tell you to turn it down, and you'll crap again during scary bits)
6. Watch the movie on your own! (No interruptions will give the movie its due)
5. Leave your front door wide open (You'll crap your pants having to close it after the film... and Lord knows what will walk inside your house during the film!)
4. Leave your BACK DOOR wide open (See above)
3. Always begin the movie as late as possible - preferably after 10pm
2. The only exception to item #6 is to watch the movie with someone who has a history of unresolved psychopathic violence toward small fury animals
1. Do ALL of the above.
PS. I have done all of these except #2... which I guess also rules out #1. I can say if you do these and then watch the film 'The Descent'... you will come very close to actually crapping yourself.
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