Tuesday, September 25, 2007

When Night Falls - Opens Nationwide OCTOBER 4th!

Many of you will have received the bulk email I sent out about the new New Zealand feature film 'When Night Falls'.

I completed over 50 special fx shots for the film and helped deliver it for cinema release.

Here's a quick blurb about it taken from a TV3 news item...

The film is a nurse thriller killer - a new low budget film made by first time Wellington director Alex Galvin.

Alex has taken it upon himself to bring back the suspense to a genre he believes has become overly dominated by blood and gore. Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock, he went back to basics for 'When Night Falls'.

Set in 1930s Wairarapa, this suspense thriller follows a strangler on the loose who targets nurses.

The film was shot in 10 days for under $50,000!


I think it's worth supporting local NZ talent, whatever the industry, so grab some friends and go and see it.

'When Night Falls' is screening in Auckland and Christchurch at the Rialto Cinema network and in most other cities at selected independant theatres.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. Love Grandma A.