Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sophie Lily Kate turns 1 TODAY!

Well we made it to her first birthday without going completely mental... only partially. Denali and I are very proud (as you may have gathered from this devoted blog) of our little girl and today Sophie turned 1 year old.

We want to say a massive thanks to everyone for sending up such wonderful presents for her (all of which we were pleased to see are educational!). She is mad for books and colourful soft, touchy-feely toys and dolls, so you all really hit the mark there! She also got some lovely clothes and Denali and I gave her a small table and chairs set. Sophie is at the perfect age to appreciate all components of a gift. The card is fascinating to her... the paper wonderfully amusing... and THE PRESENT!... well her typical response was "OOOOooooooooo OOOooo OOOooo OOOOOoooo or Woooowww wwoowoooow!"

For her party last Saturday we (Denali) decorated the house in butterfly paintings and balloons that Sophie went bezerk over. We (Denali) also baked an enormous butterfly cake for her. We then invited some close friends to come and join us for afternoon tea and some playtime with Sophie.

Unfortunately we (Denali) did not take many birthday photos, so most of these have come from other friends who witnessed the occasion. We (my good friend Neil) did take some video footage however, and I will upload that to Youtube just as soon as it's cut into a birthday montage.

We went out to lunch today with Vanessa Ford and Anna Davidson and have just returned from a lovely dinner with Liz and Noel. Our little button is sound asleep upstairs now after becoming rather overtired from all the excitement of a night out.

I am part of a team entering the nation-wide 48 Hour Film competition this weekend! We have put together a fantastic group of people and once the weekend is over I will tell you all about it.

Also the Transformers premiere is coming up soon on July 4th. Neil and I plan to make our own Transformers t-shirts to wear and I received in the mail today 7 transformers badges that we will also include in our fan based attire for the evening. Our aim is be more awesome than anyone else in the theatre... and I think we will do it easily... especially with the badges.

Talk to you all soon,



Helen Lord said...

Wow what a day you had Sophie! You look very studious poring over your books. I wish we coulod have shared the day with you and enjoyed the delicious looking cake!
Tell Mum & Dad we think they are doing a pretty good job.

Hugs from PoppaDon & Granna

Anonymous said...

your daughter looks like Elmer Fudd