Thursday, March 22, 2007

Busy time ahead

Denali and I have areally busy few months ahead, starting this weekend.

I am off to Auckland tomorrow and Saturday on an ACC job. Denali heads down to Chch on Saturday to stay with her parents.

On Sunday I am doing a recky to scout out locations to film the overlander train along the main trunk line as far as Ruapehu. Might end up chasing the train and just filming it as we go... but at this stage it's just a recky. This is for a documentary about the Overlander train service, people who love trains and what needs to be done to bring back train travel in a big way to NZ.

On Tuesday next week my cousin Katie Lord comes up from Chch to stay for a couple of days. We plan to watch movies and talk of times gone past.

Next weekend I will meet Denali in Chch and film Al and Vanessa's wedding - my third wedding video since December 2006!! Al and Vanessa are close friends of Denali's (and mine now), so we are really looking forward to it. They have a great wedding planned, the secret details of which I have been privy to... as they have some spectacular suprises planned.

After that it's Easter. We plan to do some day trips north of the Wellington region to explore unseen places like The Pinnacles (from Return of the King's 'Paths of the Dead' sequence and the opening scene in Braindead where Bill Ralston gets wasted), perhaps Castle Point too and probably another trip to the Wairarapa.

After Easter that Overlander Train doco I mentioned needs to be finished, and then in May Neil and I will plough into the 48 hours film competition (my first time). So that will be great fun!

Sophie turns 1 on May 16th, and around then we'll have her dedicated.

After the 48 hours competition, Denali is heading back down to Chch to visit her parents because we got cheap Grab-a-seat fares... so why not!

So... yeah... it's all GO! I just thought I would let whoever was interested know what was happening just in case I don't find time to update the blog.

In the meantime, you can look forward to a new video of Sophie that Denali and I are collaborating on. It will be released on this blog VERY SOON!


Anonymous said...

Recce is how it is spelt cos it is short for reconnaisance .... !!!

Richard said...

And your point is...