Sunday, October 15, 2006

Lord Weekly 100th Post! and special Internet Space Captain Competition

To win this week's Internet Space Captain Competition you will need to answer the following question...

First, you will need to play the 'Cubeoban' game online at:

Q: How many green and red blocks and dots appear on Level 22?

E-mail your answer to: Answers posted on the blog WILL NOT be accepted. Include your postal address with your answer too. The first person through with the correct answer WINS Internet Space Captain status for this week! If I haven't announced a winner in the 'comments' of this post, then you can assume that the competition is still going!

The winner will recieve the 3rd Ed. of the O'Joy6000 Biggus Video Collection on DVD, a rasberry twist and
because this is the 100th post here at Lord Weekly the winner will also get a bag of M&Ms.

Thank you everyone for viewing this blog, making funny comments, putting up with all the other extra rubbish I place on here, and continuing to stay in touch. Denali, Sophie and I really appreciate it and we miss you all very much. We are looking forward to seeing you all over Christmas!

Enjoy the competition, and have a drink to celebrate 100 Lord Weekly posts... in the space of 9 months. Heaven help us all!

You will also notice that the HIT COUNTER is nearly at 5000! If you happen to be visiting Lord Weekly when it hits 5000, then take a screen shot and e-mail it to me. If YOU are the person to get us to 5000, then I will send you a bag of M&Ms.

All the best,

- Rich


Richard said...

We have a WINNER! Congratulations to JASPER McGEE, who I think is from Slovakia.

Richard said...

No one managed to take a screen shot of the hit counter at 5000 though. Never mind. I give people another chance when it gets close to 10,000 hits. Feel free to stay up all night refreshing your browser if you like... I will still send you M&Ms.