Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Biggus TOP 10: List 14

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I have spent at least 45 minutes
combing the internet far and wide for a selection of
the BEST online videos and audio clips.

These are my findings...

TOP 10 Online Video & Audio Clips

10. A Full Day in Stop Motion: http://www.noob.us/entertainment/my-animated-world-a-full-day-shown-in-stop-motion-video/

9. Hyposurface (imagine this thing behind your favourite DJ. It's amazing!):

8. Little Becky calls a demolition company:

7. Burning Safari:

6. President Bush's Stumped Speech:

5. South Park 'World of Warcraft' full episode:

4. Other Little Becky phone calls:

3. Microsoft Office Values (Part 1) - Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant:

2. Microsoft Office Values (Part 2) - Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant:

and finally... at the risk of exposing my complete immaturity, this is number 1


Neil said...

I like the addition of the digital clock to the page. Also that bus Nomads story was something quite comedically special and I have forwarded the link to a lot of people. Thanks.

Richard said...

Thank you Neil. At Lord Weekly our motto has always been 'Get lots of attention'.

Anonymous said...

Ah Little Becky. She's a one :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think you might be right there...