Monday, September 11, 2006

Short Film

You may have read in a previous post that I was working on a short film with a handful of kids. This is pretty much the final version of the film (titles and credits not finished yet). I worked out that it took 50 hours from start to finish to make the film... spread over 4 weeks.

Title: A Walk in the Woods

Dur: 7'51"
File size: 78MB (attn dial-up users)

Click the link below to download the film.

Alternatively, you can visit the Lord Weekly Download Site to get the film by clicking HERE.



Richard said...

Thanks Kate. The kids were so well behaved throughout the shoot and seemed to enjoy themselves immensely (their parents tell me). However, it was also quite hard working with them because they couldn't remember their lines. The oldest kid there was 10 years old, the youngest just 6 years old. They could only remember a sentence at a time, which made editing the darn thing really difficult! Otherwise it was a blast.

Richard said...

His name is Billy. Yeah, his Dad is an actor, so it must have rubbed off on him. He was funny to work with. I would be giving him directions before rolling the camera and he would be so distracted and playing up all the time, but as soon as I called 'action!' he suddenly transformed into character. At first this was annoying me because I thought he wasn't paying attention, but then after a couple of takes, I realised that it's just how he is, so I chilled out and we seemed to get things done fine. He was the most confident out of the group.

Richard said...

The church really enjoyed it. They were making lots of noise all the way through, and laughing at what their kids got up to. There was a loud cheer when Billy picked up the lightsaber and gave Darth a mean stare.

Phil Lord said...

yea i saw it rich really cool i loved the starwars fight bit

Anonymous said...

Boo hoo no new blogs for ages- whats wrong with you guys- we are getting desperate here